Organized by (progressive/radical) law students from across the city, for law students across the city. It’s free (but please RSVP)! Here are the essentials:
NLG-NYC DisOrientation
Saturday, September 29, 2012
9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
NYU Law School
40 Washington Square
Session topics include: Don’t Survive, Thrive!, Co-Ops, Start-Ups, and Solos: Alternative Careers!, Mediation and Mindfulness in the Law 101, Pro Bono Project Trainings: Legal Observer, Street Law, and Immigration Court Observer, Speakers on anti-racist work in the law, Stop & Frisk, and more!
Enjoy a happy hour reception with awesome members of the city chapter of the NLG at Amity Hall (80 W. 3rd Street, Manhattan)!